Properties of states of matter:
Solids have a fixed volume and shape.
Liquids have a fixed volume but no fixed shape.
Gases have no fixed volume. They spread out to fill all the space available to them. Gases have least density. Unlike solids and liquids, gases can be compressed.
Kinetic theory of matter: According to this theory, molecules of solids, liquids and gases are in continuous random motion.
In solids, molecules vibrate about fixed positions and they have minimum space between them. There are strong intermolecular forces between molecules.
In liquids, molecules are not fixed in their positions. Molecules have slightly more space between them compared to solids. Intremolecular forces are weaker than in solids but still fairly strong.
In gases, molecules have high kinetic energy and the intermolecular forces are negligible. Average distance between molecules is greatest.
Evidence of molecular motion
Reflections from smoke particles in a glass cell are observed using a microscope. The smoke particles show random motion because of the air molecules bombarding them.
Observing pollen on the surface of water
Kinetic theory of matter can be used to explain a range of phenomena including:
pressure of a gas
fixed shape of a solid
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