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Significant Figures Made Easy
An interesting approach to learning about significant figures. It starts with highlighting the need for using appropriate number of significant (more…)
Handbook of O Level Physics
“Handbook of O Level Physics” consists of revision notes, exam-day checklist, exam-day advice, formulae and (more…)
Physics ATP – Important points
The Physics paper “alternative to practical” is a tricky one. After studying a number of marking schemes, this (more…)
Patterns of reactivity
In this question a set of chemical reactions are to be studied and a reactivity series is to be created. An (more…)
Motion of a parachutist
This question has a speed-time graph followed by questioning. It tests understanding of Newton’s Second (more…)
Mass, weight and density
This is a question in which the weight of a teenager is to be calculated. Then his volume or density is found using (more…)
This is a question related to circuits. A pictorial diagram is given. A problem with the circuit needs to (more…)
Carbon dioxide and photosynthesis
This is a question related to the need for carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. One of the two plants is deprived of (more…)
This is a question related to production of carbon dioxide in respiration. An experiment is shown related to (more…)
Blast furnace presentation
When students see a labelled diagram of a blast furnace in their book, it is hard to fathom how things are (more…)